Click here to read this story about a woman who’s husband stood by her through her unique medical condition. (As told to Joie Bose)

Does an STD always mean your partner is cheating?

“Mr. Goyal, you must prepare yourself for what you will hear. What your wife has, it has been transmitted to her via sexual intercourse. We need to get some more tests done to understand exactly what it is. I still can’t fathom whether it is life threatening for her or not. I will refer the patient to a specialist now and I suggest you get the following tests done as well.” a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”> Click here to read about this woman who feels like pleasuring herself despite a healthy marriage with her husband. My head was reeling with questions. I had always heard about sexually transmitted diseases, but I did not know I would have to deal with my wife having it. Then the thought of my own tests was terribly stressful. Here is an article with 12 tips to protect yourself from STDs.

I couldn’t handle it so I went to the shrink

After I heard the doctor, I couldn’t go home. Sexually transmitted disease means she has had sex with someone else apart from me! Who was he? Was she in love with him? Would she leave me for him? Was he better than me in bed? These thoughts kept plaguing me. When did our loyal relationship fall apart like this? Click here to read an article about an extramarital affair that bloomed into a beautiful relationship. I broke my phone in anger and went to a bar, dousing myself in a couple of beers. Better sense prevailed after a few hours and I found myself sitting in a shrink’s office. I needed professional help to get me through this.  I had decided that while sitting in the bar. Click here to read about this woman who wants to leave her alcoholic and womanizing husband.

I never mentioned another man to Shikha

I didn’t mention the other man to Shikha when I first told her about this later that evening. I was calm and I still am calm. It’s just been three days and we are going through the tests and the doctors. She is my lawfully wedded wife and I need to fulfil my duties. I don’t want her to die. People make all sorts of mistakes. My next session with the shrink is next week. I don’t know what’s going to happen next. I look at Shikha when she is sleeping. She looks so vulnerable and weak. She can’t really fathom how much I love her, and perhaps it’s my fault that I wasn’t able to make her realize this. We always had a loyal relationship, but somewhere we must have drifted apart as husband and wife. Otherwise, how could this have happened? Wonder who that man is. I wonder how my life will be if she leaves me. I wonder what will happen if she dies. Thank God we don’t have children. This is the only silver lining in this dark cloud.

We had a Loyal Relationship but My Wife Was Diagnosed with an STD - 3We had a Loyal Relationship but My Wife Was Diagnosed with an STD - 78We had a Loyal Relationship but My Wife Was Diagnosed with an STD - 51We had a Loyal Relationship but My Wife Was Diagnosed with an STD - 45